Mercedes Mischief

I am an active 6 year old in martial arts. I love Scooby Doo and Princess stuff. My favorite color is blue!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Got Grades?

I got mine and I am doing good. I got almost all G's (for Good) but I got a few S's too (for Satisfactory). Those were all in things like Listening without Talking and Coloring in the Lines. I can write my number up to 39 without messing up and I can say the Alphabet without help and do all of the other stuff, so I think I am doing good. Mommy and Daddy are pretty happy with me too, though they would like me to get all G's. Jeez, they are never happy.

Mommy has been putting my birthday bags together for my party. We are going to McDonalds Playland. McDonalds is my favorite. I love chicken nuggets (with Ranch and ketchup).

I don't know what I'm getting for my birthday. It's in a big blue bag in the living room but Mommy won't show me. I hope I like it. I want toys.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Got in trouble

I got in trouble today. Mommy and Daddy have been telling me to do stuff and I don't listen to them. It's takes too much time to put things away though. Something could happen while I am gone and I would miss it. I hate missing stuff.

I got my black belt last week. Daddy keeps telling me I am not a real black belt, but it looks black to me. I think he's just jealous. I don't test for my next belt until March or April, but I am trying to do good in class and listen to my teachers.

I get to have my birthday soon. Mommy says we are going to McDonalds Playland! I love McDonalds. I would eat there every day if I could. I can't wait, it will be so much fun. I'm going to be 6 years old!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!

I had fun playing with my new friend on New Year’s Eve. Mommy and Daddy let me stay up really really late. And ‘Lexi came home! That was really cool too. I missed her. Last night we went to Dairy Queen for dinner because Mommy didn’t feel good and I got ice cream. I shared with Mason. He liked the chocolate.

I had to go to the doctor yesterday. I have an ear infection, but it doesn’t really hurt. It feels like there is water leaking out of my ear though, which feels weird. The doctor gave me ear drops, so I don’t get any bubble gum medicine, but that’s ok. Tomorrow I get to go get my hair cut. I don’t want very much cut off because I want to have LONG hair! I have pretty ribbons to put it up with so I look beautiful. It’s fun to get hair cuts. We get to watch Ms. Natalie cut each other’s hair, so that’s cool. We usually get lollipops too. Mason really likes those.

I am supposed to get my new belt from martial arts soon. I was hoping to get it this week, but they said not until next week. I’m going to be a Black Ranger. Isn’t that cool?