Mercedes Mischief

I am an active 6 year old in martial arts. I love Scooby Doo and Princess stuff. My favorite color is blue!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

This week

I had to go to the doctor this week, I have cows (bunnies) in my ears. I got the cool bubble gum medicine though. The doctor said if have to come back in and see her in 6 weeks to make sure they are all gone. She also said if I keep getting cows (bunnies) in my ears that I have to go see a special doctor. Mommy didn't seem too happy about it. I like the doctors, I don't see what the problem is.

I am going to see Grandpa next week. I can't wait. Melanie is going with us too, so it will be fun, and Mommy says we get to bring Brittney home. I wonder if I can keep her!?

I have been learning about farms in school. I colored a barn on Thursday. It's really cool and there are a lot of animals on a farm. I think we should live on a farm.

I got another stripe at martial arts. I get to test for my next belt n June or July. Daddy thinks I could do better, but I don't care. I just want to play.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


It's nice outside and Mommy said we could go. It's been raining forever and I wanted to go out but we couldn't, so I am so happy.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Been in Trouble

I have been getting in trouble a lot this weekend. I am grounded for not listening to Daddy, and I went outside without asking, and I have been asking to do things even after I have been told no. I'm trying to do better, but I keep forgetting. : (

We had Mason's birthday party this weekend. He got chocolate cake all to himself. I wanted some but Mommy said it was all his. He also got to open presents.

I got my hair cut this weekend. It's shorter but not too short. I like it.

I got my stripe in martial arts that says I can test in August for my next belt. Yea! I am not doing gymnastics anymore. But I start t-ball in June. I can't wait.