Mercedes Mischief

I am an active 6 year old in martial arts. I love Scooby Doo and Princess stuff. My favorite color is blue!

Monday, May 30, 2005

My Memorial Day

They messed up my schedule. Today is Monday. I am supposed to be in school on Monday. But, no school. And even worse, it's raining out today. Yeesh, at least Mommy hasn't made me put on clothes yet.

Mommy says I am going through a growth spurt again, but I can't tell. I suppose that means my jeans aren't going to fit anymore. I guess I'll have to wear shorts.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


I went to swimming lessons yesterday. I love playing in the water, and I went all the way under too. Now if they would just let me play longer I would be set.

I got my hair cut on Friday, not too much, just enough to fix mine and Daddy's stuff. Ms Natalie and I made a deal that only she cuts my hair.

There was a barbque yesterday in the neighborhood and Daddy let me stay out until 1100. I passed out as soon as i came inside. I had fun though.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Doing Well

Mommy has been grouchy lately, but hopefully that will stop now that Daddy is home. GRandma Thiem got me a My Little Pony which I like - a lot.

It's really nice out today and Mommy let me and Alexis go outsie to play. I have my bubbles and a lot of theother kids came over to play with us too. That is fun. I like bubbles. Mommy got us enough so we can each have one, so I don't have to wait my turn. That is even more fun.

I get to move up to the next level in swimming lessons. The teacher says I am doing a good job, so I can learn to swim without floaties. That will be fun. I love playing in the water. I wish we could go swimming more often. Mommy says she will try to take us more this summer. We'll see.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Busy Life

Sigh! Now that Mason is here everyone is so busy. I will be glad when things calm down. At least I get to play like I want at chool.

Mommy and Daddy let me hold Mason every once in a while, but not often. He's a baby, you know.

I am still doing gymnastics and swimming lessons, so that is fun. I wish we could go swimming though. Mommy says she will try to take us one of these days.

Daddy is going to see Gradnpa this weekend. I wish I could go with him, but he's just going for a few days.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Mommy and Daddy are finally going to let me go back to school. I've been feeling better for days.Now, if I could just get Mommy to stop making me take medicine all the time I would be set.

We saw Grandma in the hospital yesterday. Mommy said the doctor wanted her to spend the night there, so she didn't come home.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sunday Morning

I am feeling better. Really I am. I just need more naps right now, which I hate becuase I AM NOT A BABY. At least Mommy and Daddy aren't making me take medicine every time I turn around. You would think once would be enough.

I think I get to go back to school tomorrow. I miss my friends. I want to go outside and play.

I did get to go to the grocery store with Mommy and Daddy yesterday. Mommy said she could not wait any longer. I got tired though and wanted to play. Mommy and Daddy weren't much fun at all. I did get to help carry in the groceries, after we ate lunch.

I also helped Mommy make brownies for 'sert. Yummy. I wanted the Scooby Doo pudding Mommy let me pick out at the store though. It had stickers in the box with it!

I got to talk to Grandpa for a minute. Daddy had to hang up before I could talk to Grandma, sorry Grandma, I really (REALLY) wanted to talk to you too, but maybe next time.