Mercedes Mischief

I am an active 6 year old in martial arts. I love Scooby Doo and Princess stuff. My favorite color is blue!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Things r good

I have a new friend who lives down the street. I would tell you her name, but Mommy says we shouldn’t put information like that on the internet. She came over the other day and she’s nice and she goes to my school and is in my class. I hope I get to play with her more. I would invite her to my birthday party but Mommy says I am not having one this year. Instead, I get to go up in an airplane. That will be really cool, I think. We are all going to the Gulfarium also, so that kind of makes up for everything.

I can’t wait for Christmas next week. I love opening presents. There are a lot of them under the tree, so it will be FUN! Too bad they aren’t all for me. That would be even better! Mommy let me get some stuff for Bubba, Boo, and the big sissies, so that was fun. I didn’t wrap it though. I’m not allowed to play with the tape.

I get out of school early this week and I don’t have to go to school at all on Friday! YEA! And I don’t have to go to school next week either, so I can stay home and play ALL DAY LONG! I want to play the Wii! I love the Wii. We need more games to play, though. I am not very good at the ones we have. I do have my own game for the Wii, but I don’t like to play it as much.


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